Bill Gates & Warren Buffet & Israel

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Who Owns Israel? [or Who Owns Palestine?]

It is so silly to say to Israel, “Give the Palestinians back their land.” How far back do we go to give it back??? There have been MANY OWNERS! Check this out.

[A word to Palestinians who may read this: I am not against you. I am for the TRUTH. Do you deserve a land in which to live and work, and raise your families? Do you deserve a peaceful homeland? Do you deserve to choose who governs you? Well, so do the Israelis, among whom live MANY ARABS and Muslims, living peacefully with the Jews. The question is, “Can you live peacefully?” Will you elect governments that have NOT PROMISED to drive Israel into the sea? If you do, I believe you will prosper like the state of Israel. If not, I guess you have determined your own destiny. I wish you peace and luck which are mainly in your hands. May you use them well!]

History of Israel [from Wikipedia on Israel]

1. Land of Israel - about 4000 years ago
2. Assyrian,
3. Babylonian,
4. Persian,
5. Greek,
6. Roman,
7. Byzantine,
8. (briefly) Sassanian rule,
9. Omayyads,
10. Abbasids,
11. Crusaders,
12. Kharezmians
13. Mongols,
14. Mamluks (1260-1516)
15. Ottoman Empire in 1517
16. In 1920, Palestine became a League of Nations mandate administered by Britain.
17. The UN General Assembly approved the 1947 UN Partition Plan dividing the territory into two states, with the Jewish area consisting of roughly 55% of the land, and the Arab area consisting of roughly 45%. David Ben-Gurion tentatively accepted the partition, while the Arab League rejected it.
18. The State of Israel was proclaimed on May 14, 1948, one day before the expiry of the Palestine Mandate. Israel was admitted as a member of the United Nations on May 11, 1949.
19. Syria, Jordan, and Egypt had been hinting at war[25] and Egypt expelled UN Peacekeeping Forces from the Gaza Strip. When Egypt violated prior treaties and closed the strategic Straits of Tiran to Israeli vessels, and began massing large amounts of tanks and aircraft on Israel’s borders, Israel deemed it a casus belli for pre-emptively attacking Egypt on June 5. In the ensuing Six-Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors, Israel defeated the armies of three large Arab states and won a decisive victory over their air forces. Territorially, Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula, and Golan Heights. The Green Line of 1949 became the administrative boundary between Israel and the Occupied Territories. The Sinai was later returned to Egypt following the signing of a peace treaty.

During this whole history there has always been a large population of Jews. So who owns that small territory known as Israel?

Who do we give it back to? Seems fair to me if anyone gets it, it should be the first country established in the area or maybe the last. But they are the same! So I guess everything is okay.

Unless you want to give it back to the Canaanite-descendant you see. The Canaanites lived there but NO COUNTRY was established. -

Just imagine taking one particular country in Europe, of your choice, and starting to list the former owners before various wars. Imagine, if you will, a people claiming to be the last people to own that country even if at the time, it was NOT A COUNTRY, just a land. What reaction would the world have toward those claimants? So why should it be any different with the only current democratically-elected government in the Middle East today?

[A word to Palestinians who may read this: I am not against you. I am for the TRUTH. Do you deserve a land in which to live and work, and raise your families? Do you deserve a peaceful homeland? Do you deserve to choose who governs you? Well, so do the Israeli’s, among whom live MANY ARABS and Muslims, living peacefully with the Jews. The question is, “Can you live peacefully?” Will you elect governments that have NOT PROMISED to drive Israel into the sea? If you do, I believe you will prosper like the state of Israel. If not, I guess you have determined your own destiny. I wish you peace and luck which are mainly in your hands. May you use them well!}

Israel From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did You Know? Cool Facts About Israel


Conflict! The Power of Propaganda

What is the cause of the CONFLICT in Israel?

Is the Conflict Between Religions?

Is it a Land Conflict?

Jewish Right To Israel

Historical Mandate for Palestine

Why No Peace?

Why is there seemingly no peace in the Middle East?

Watch the video "I am Israel"


There are probably multiple answers. However the most fundamental is that Hamas, Hesbollah and other "Muslim" groups have always stated and NEVER RENOUNCED that they intend to drive the Jews and Israel's into the sea. Until asa group they CHANGE THAT MISSION, then there can be no peace.

If someone told you that and never changed their mind, how would you feel? Would you just shrug it off? Would you also shrug off the rockets falling on your schools, residents, towns and cities AFTER so-called peace accords have just been signed?

The stories about Israel taking "Palestianian" land is a sad joke. The name "Palestine" was given to the much larger territory including modern-day Israel, by Great Britain.

See Israel and Palestine: A Brief History which has some inadvertent spelling errors but seems quite accurate.

Briefly the Israeli's do not attack "Palestinian" areas until months or years of unprovoked illegal attacks on Israeli citizens both Arab and Jewish. Then they withdraw until provoked again.

Israel allows Arabs and/or Muslims, Christians and Jews to worship freely, have access to their places of worship [which did not happen when Jerusalem was controlled by Muslims]. They allow Arabs to vote and have most benefits of the modern state of Israel.

Until Palestinians back up their written peace treaties by laying down their arms and using the millions of dollars they receive from countries all over the world to build a country for themselves instead of attacking the state of Israel, no peace can exist.

Israel is a democracy and allows freedom of movement and religion.

Escape from Hamas Parts 1- 6

Reading the Bible: "Love Your Enemy" Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

War on Gaza or Israel?

Cool Facts About Israel 2 - ABSOLUTELY AMAZING

New version. New music. We could all learn from Israel instead of hating it because of ignorance of the facts.

I am Israel